Framework Beams

Aluminum Beams

Manar Aluminum Beams combine the benefits of strength, lightness and easy handling with consistency, versatility and exceptional durability. Manar Aluminum Beams are manufactured from high grade alloy (ALLOY 6082). Available in two standard sections.

Steel Waler

Provide, support, tying locations in the panels, and alignment for the panel. Wall steel waler connected with H20 & Aluminum Beams Pecial clamps. Available in different lengths to meet design requirments.


H20 Beams

The H20 formwork timber beam is a solid – Beam used for concrete formwork construction. The height of beam is 200 mm & available in different standard lengths .The webs made of 3 Ply laminated solid wood panels ensuring use in all climate zone. The chords are made of superior quality smoothly surfaced and slightly chamfered .